VuVu The Hague



18 ratings

Many guests praise the friendly and helpful staff. Service is consistently described as warm and attentive.
Excellent Service
Visitors, including Vietnamese guests, confirm the authenticity of the dishes and consistent quality.
Authentic Vietnamese Cuisine
Mixed reactions about prices - some find it affordable, others expensive, especially with drinks included.
Price-Quality Ratio
Small, simple restaurant without much decoration. Functionally designed with focus on takeaway and delivery.
Simple Ambiance

#130 of 508 restaurants in Den Haag - €

Weimarstraat 50, 2562 GZ Den Haag

+31 70 364 6575




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📋 Menu

Voorgerechten / Appetizers

Gỏi Chua Ngọt Vegetarisch

Vietnamese mango salade / Vietnamese mango salad


2 ratings

€ 8.00 / 13.00

Gỏi Cuốn Tempura garnalen en avocado

Verse lenterol met tempura garnalen en avocado / Fresh rice springrolls with tempura shrimps and avocado


2 ratings

€ 9.00

Gỏi Cuốn Tofu (2 st)

Verse lenterol met tofu / Fresh rice springrolls with tofu (2 pcs)


1 ratings

€ 6.00

Nem Rán Kip

Gebakken rijstvelrolletjes met kip / Fried rice springrolls with chicken


1 ratings

€ 4.50

Gỏi Chua Ngọt Kip

Vietnamese mango salade met kip / Vietnamese mango salad with chicken


1 ratings

€ 8.00 / 13.00

Gỏi Cuốn Garnalen

Verse lenterol met garnalen / Fresh rice springrolls with shrimps

€ 7.00

Gỏi Cuốn Kip

Verse lenterol met kip / Fresh rice springrolls with chicken

€ 6.00

Nem Rán Vis en garnalen

Gebakken rijstvelrolletjes met vis en garnalen / Fried rice springrolls with fish and shrimps

€ 5.00

Gỏi Chua Ngọt Garnalen

Vietnamese mango salade met garnalen / Vietnamese mango salad with shrimps

€ 9.00 / 14.00

Nem Rán (2 st)

Gebakken rijstvelrolletjes / Fried rice springrolls (2 pcs)

€ 4.50

Gỏi Cuốn Avocado

Verse lenterol met avocado / Fresh rice springrolls with avocado

€ 6.50

Gỏi Cuốn Kip en avocado

Verse lenterol met kip en avocado / Fresh rice springrolls with chicken and avocado

€ 7.00

Gỏi Cuốn Kip en garnalen

Verse lenterol met kip en garnalen / Fresh rice springrolls with chicken and shrimps

€ 7.00