Terms and Conditions


Dishdevil B.V.
Chamber of Commerce number (The Netherlands): 93122683
Contact owner: info@dishdevil.com

Dishdevil is an online platform for restaurant dish reviews.

Please read these terms carefully as a user. Unless otherwise indicated, the Terms of Use in this section apply generally when using the Dishdevil website.

Dishdevil reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time, in whole or in part. It is the responsibility of the User to regularly check the most recent version of the Terms of Use. This version will be published on the Dishdevil website. Users are deemed to accept the latest version upon each use of the Dishdevil website.


A User refers to any individual 18 years or older who is capable of entering into contracts and visits the Dishdevil Website and/or creates a Profile.

By using the Website, Users confirm that they meet the following conditions:

  • Account registration by bots or other automated methods is not allowed.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, each User may only register one account.
  • Unless expressly permitted, a User account may not be shared with other persons.


To make optimal use of the Dishdevil Website, the User must create a Profile as described on the website. The User guarantees Dishdevil that the information provided when creating the Profile is complete and accurate. During registration, a password and username must also be provided to gain access to the Profile.

Users can also use the Dishdevil Website without registering or creating a Profile. However, this may result in limited availability of certain features or functions.

The User is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the provided data as well as for updating the data if it is no longer correct.

By creating a Profile, Users agree to be fully responsible for all activities that occur under their Profile and password.

The data provided during the registration process will be stored in a database and processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy, which can be consulted on the website.

Dishdevil reserves the right to modify, adjust, and/or close parts of the Website at any time without being liable to Users in any way.

Dishdevil reserves the right to change the login procedure and/or your password and/or Profile if it deems it necessary for the functioning of the website.

Users must immediately and clearly inform Dishdevil via the contact details in this document if they believe their personal information, including their User accounts, access data, or personal data, has been compromised or wrongfully disclosed or stolen.

Users can close their Profile at any time. Users must send an email to info@dishdevil.com. Dishdevil will process the request within a reasonable time and close the Profile.

Users of the Dishdevil Website agree to:

  • Not post content intended to provoke;
  • Not use the Dishdevil Website or its content for illegal, unlawful, or fraudulent purposes;
  • Not post User or restaurant holder data on the Dishdevil Website if that data is incorrect, illegal, in violation of privacy laws, offensive, abusive, or threatening, incites hatred or violence, or if the Users do not possess the intellectual property rights or have not obtained explicit permission from the holder of those rights.


Users must follow the rules below when leaving a review about a dish or restaurant on the Dishdevil Website:

  • To publish a review, Users must have a Profile that identifies them on the Dishdevil Website.
  • The User writes only reviews about dishes from a visited restaurant. Any review containing other types of information may be rejected and/or removed by Dishdevil, although we are not obligated to do so.
  • Dishdevil reserves the right to screen, refuse to post, or remove reviews at its discretion and without prior notice at any time and for any reason, or no reason at all. If Dishdevil has questions about your review, it reserves the right, but not the obligation, to contact you for more information.
  • Users agree that publishing the review on the Dishdevil Website automatically grants an irrevocable, permanent, non-exclusive royalty-free license to Dishdevil to use, copy, display, adapt, modify, translate, distribute, promote, mention in other advertisements or materials, use as a basis for derivative works, highlight, disseminate, or globally distribute such information, and allow third parties to do the same, through online media or other media.
  • By publishing reviews on the Dishdevil Website, Users give Dishdevil all necessary rights to prohibit the display, collection, copying, or use of the information from the review by any third party and for any reason. Users irrevocably waive any claim and declaration regarding moral or ownership rights related to this content. Users acknowledge and guarantee that they are authorized to grant the above permissions.

The Dishdevil Website may contain links to websites operated by third parties. The links are provided for informational purposes only. Dishdevil does not control those websites and is not responsible for their content or the privacy policies or other practices of those websites. Displaying links to such websites cannot be seen as an endorsement of those websites nor as a possible relationship with the publishers of those websites. It is the responsibility of the User to conduct any necessary or appropriate checks before using those websites or conducting transactions with any of those websites.

Intellectual Property

All moral and material intellectual property rights concerning the content and information on the Dishdevil Website belong to Dishdevil.

All elements (brands, designs, texts, hyperlinks, logos, images, videos, sound elements, software, layout, databases, codes, etc.) on the Dishdevil Website and related websites are protected by national and international intellectual property laws. These elements remain the exclusive property of Dishdevil and/or its partners.

Users may not, without prior written permission from Dishdevil, reproduce, present, republish, redistribute, adapt, translate and/or modify, or transfer this data to another medium, in whole or in part.

Dishdevil provides no guarantees regarding the Restaurant data or the services and/or business practices of third parties on its website. As a result, Dishdevil cannot guarantee that Users will be satisfied with the products, services, and/or business practices they obtained from third parties.

Dishdevil offers no guarantee regarding the content, objectivity, or correctness of the displayed reviews. All information found on the Dishdevil website can be changed at any time, considering the interactivity of the website, without this affecting Dishdevil's responsibility.


For questions, complaints, or objections: contact Dishdevil via info@dishdevil.com

Most recent update: May 27, 2024