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4 ratings
Staff frequently praised for being friendly, attentive and knowledgeable. The hospitable atmosphere stands out positively.
Excellent Service
Extensive wine list with unique choices and expert advice, though some find prices relatively high.
Quality Wine Selection
Many guests find portion sizes too small compared to the price point.
Small Portions
Cozy, intimate ambiance with a striking bar as centerpiece regularly receives positive mentions.
Atmospheric Setting
#304 of 1470 restaurants in Amsterdam -
Spaarndammerstraat 49, 1013 ST Amsterdam
4 Ratings
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Eendenborst met marsala jus
Eendenborst met marsala jus, kersen en abrikoos
4 ratings
Harder tartaar
Harder tartaar met dashi beurre blanc
Zomertomaten met gele courgette creme en tomaten consommé
Witte asperges
Witte asperges met kromboekbonen-hummus, kimchi en crispy chili olie