AMOI - Indonesian Kitchen & Bar



57 ratings

Staff consistently praised for being very friendly and attentive, with special mentions for staff members like Karina.
Excellent Service
Cozy interior with tropical decoration frequently mentioned as a positive aspect.
Pleasant Atmosphere
Multiple guests note that portion sizes are small compared to the price.
Small Portions
Some guests find dishes authentic and delicious, others miss typical Indonesian spicing.
Varying Taste Experience

#908 of 1470 restaurants in Amsterdam - €€

Kinkerstraat 53A, 1053 DE Amsterdam

+31 20 846 2755




🔥 Recommended dishes

📋 Menu


Pangsit Goreng Ayam

Fried wontons filled with chicken, served with sweet chilli sauce / Gefrituurde wontons gevuld met kip, geserveerd met zoete chilisaus


4 ratings

€ 8.50

Lumpia Sayur

Vegetables spring rolls, served with sweet chilli sauce / Groente loempia, geserveerd met zoete chilisaus


3 ratings

€ 8.50


Sticky rice rolled in banana leaf filled with spiced mackerel / Gerolde kleefrijst in bananenblad gevuld met gekruide makreel


1 ratings

€ 10.00

Frikadel Jagung

Deep fried corn cakes served with sweet chilli sauce / Gefrituurd gekruid maiskoek geserveerd met zoet zure saus


5 ratings

€ 7.50


Crispy deep fried pancakes filled with leek, onion and minced beef, served with acar ketimun / Krokant gebakken flensjes gevuld met rundergehakt, geserveerd met acar ketimun


5 ratings

€ 10.50

Emping Belinjo

Belinjo nut crackers / Belinjo noten krupuk


1 ratings

€ 3.50

Krupuk Udang

Prawn crackers / Garnalen krupuk


1 ratings

€ 3.50

Lumpia Ayam

Chicken spring rolls, served with sweet chilli sauce / Kip loempia's, groenten en vermicelli, geserveerd met zoete chilisaus


1 ratings

€ 8.50

Krupuk Mix

Mix of cassava, prawn and belinjo nut crackers / Mix van cassave, garnalen en belinjo noten krupuk

€ 4.50

Pisang Goreng

Fried banana with gula jawa / Gebakken banaan met gula jawa

€ 6.00

Tempeh Mandoan

Battered, spiced tempeh served with sweet and spicy soy sauce / Gefrituurde gekruid tempe geserveerd met zoet en pittige sojasaus

€ 8.50

Ayam Sayap

Wok-fried chicken wings with chili, garlic and onion / Gewokte kipvleugels met chili, knoflook en uien

€ 8.50

Martabak Sayur

Crispy deep fried pancakes filled with vegetables, served with acar ketimun / Krokant gebakken flensjes gevuld met groenten, geserveerd met acar ketimun

€ 9.50

Pangsit Goreng Tofu

Fried wontons filled with tofu, served with sweet chilli sauce / Gefrituurde wontons gevuld met tofu, geserveerd met zoete chilisaus

€ 8.00

Krupuk Pedis

Spiced cassava crackers / Licht gekruide cassave krupuk

€ 3.50

Meat & Fish / Vlees & Vis

Daging Rendang

Beef stewed in a spicy, aromatic coconut sauce / Rundvlees gestoofd in een pittige, aromatische kokossaus


1 ratings

€ 12.50

Ikan Goreng

Fried sea bass served with lemon and spicy dabu dabu sauce / Gefrituurde zeebaars geserveerd met citroen en pittige dabu dabu saus


1 ratings

€ 14.50

Ayam Pangang

Grilled chicken thigh fillet with a sweet and spicy panggang sauce / Gegrilde kipdijfilet met een zoet-pittige panggangsaus


1 ratings

€ 12.50

Ikan Pepesan

Grilled mackerel in banana leave with spicy turmeric sauce / Gegrilde makreel in bananenblad met gekruide bumbu saus


2 ratings

€ 15.50

Cumi Cumi

Wok fried squid with chili peppers, onion, garlic and lemongrass / Inktvis gebakken in chili pepers, ui en sereh

€ 12.50

Soto Ayam

Traditional Indonesian chicken soup with vegetables, egg, bean sprouts, vermicelli, and celery / Traditionele Indonesische kippensoep met groenten, ei, taugé, vermicelli en selderij

€ 7.50 / 10.50

Ayam Cabe Ijo

Spicy chicken with green chili pepper and lemon leaves / Pittige kip met groene chilipeper en citroenbladeren

€ 12.00

Ayam Bumbu Rujak

Javanese grilled chicken with spicy coconut sauce / Javaanse gegrilde kip met pittige kokossaus

€ 12.50

Igar Bakar

Grilled beef spareribs with special kemiri nut sauce / Gegrilde beef spareribs met speciale kemirinootensaus

€ 14.50

Udang Blado

Wok fried prawns with fresh tomatoes, garlic and red chili peppers / Garnalen gebakken met verse tomaten en rode chili pepers

€ 12.50