Kaeng Sapparod Koeng
Grote gamba's in rode curry met ananas en basilicum / Big prawns in red curry with pineapple and basil
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Koeng Phad Kratiam
Gebakken grote gamba's in knoflook en witte peper / Fried big prawns in garlic and white pepper
€ 24.00
Koeng Phad Namprik Phauw
Gebakken grote gamba's in pittige saus met ui, paprika en bosui / Fried big prawns in spicy sauce with onions, bell pepper and spring onion
€ 24.00
Koeng Sjoe Sjie
Grote gamba's in rode curry, kokosmelk en limoenblad / Big prawns in red curry, coconut milk and lime leaves
€ 24.00