Kaeng Phed Ped Yaang
Billy Thais Specialiteiten / Billy Thai Specialities
Eendenfilet in rode curry met ananas en Thaise aubergines / Duck fillet in red curry with pineapple and Thai eggplant
3 ratings
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Reviews (3)
New / oldHannah Whiting
October 26, 2023
Gary Hymes
January 23, 2024
John Butler-Gould
September 13, 2023
More in Billy Thais Specialiteiten / Billy Thai Specialities
Koeng Yai Kratiem Prik Thai
Grote gamba's in knoflook- en pepersaus / King prawns in garlic and pepper sauce
1 ratings
€ 24.50
Ped Phad King
Eendenfilet met verse gember en champignons / Duck fillet with fresh ginger and mushrooms
€ 22.50
Thalee Samrod
Garnalen, inktvis en visfilet in pikant zoetzure saus / Prawns, squid and fish fillet in spicy sweet-sour sauce
€ 24.50
Koeng Yai Le Plaa Choe Chie
Grote gamba's (2) en visfilet in rode curry met champignons / King prawns (2) and fish fillet in red curry with mushrooms
€ 24.50
Koeng Yai Kaeng Sapparot
Grote gamba's in rode curry met ananas / King prawns in red curry with pineapple
€ 24.50